Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Beta Testing

Over the weekend when I thought I was having a chemical pregnancy (knock on wood, I hope by thinking I'm out of the woods doesn't jinx anything) I emailed my midwife and asked that she order labs to be taken to confirm a rise or fall in HCG levels.

On Monday my HCG was 75. Today I just got my blood drawn so I'm hoping for a call this afternoon saying that they're at least 150. Fingers crossed! If so, then this is the start on a road to a healthy pregnancy. 

After getting my 2nd draw results back I'll be able to schedule my first appointment/ultrasound to see the little pipsqueak. 

For the most part though, I don't feel pregnant. I do occasionally feel little twanges of sensation in the ute region. Not really painful, but sometimes a sharp feeling here or there. Probably something that if I didn't know I was pregnant I would hardly even notice. I have no morning sickness to speak of. In fact, my only symptom might be feeling sleepier than normal which could be attributed to the fact that my almost 2 year old is SCREAMING in the MOTN for no damn reason. 

Hence "Never Sleeping Again"

Anyways... I always think it's kind of fun to make guesses early in pregnancy and compare them to what really happens. So far, my only prediction is that we're having a girl - which is purely a gut prediction as I'm really not feeling any different than when I was pregnant with Nolan. 

So pretty much I'm just really excited to take the next steps in this pregnancy, including getting another nursery ready. But I have one big question...

Will I find out the sex of the baby? I kind of think it would be fun to wait to find out. I can't put my finger on why. Brian really wants to find out at the 20 week u/s so much so that he's willing to know and keep it a secret from me.

As if.

I guess, part of me knows this is my last go around (assuming everything goes well) and it would be fun to wait a little longer to find out the sex. 

However, if I cave and decide to find out at 20 weeks we could coordinate things a little better.  

This ought to be a fun roller coaster ride until that ultra sound comes! 

I'm sleepy. But I'm at work. So I can't sleep. 

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